Thursdays at 6pm

175 Portland Street

3rd Floor

Boston, MA


Celebrate Recovery is for anyone seeking recovery through 12-steps and support beyond.

It enables individuals, through a group setting, to break down barriers and build up courage.


Our Celebrate Recovery team wants to help you get from one day to the next. Stop by on Thursdays at 6:00pm for food, music, a group

lesson or testimony, and Open Share Groups. We are here to build you up and see you set free from your addictions, hurts, hang-ups and habits.


You do not need to attend Anchor Church to join us. All are welcome!

Online Signups

Sign-up here or email us at or call (617) 520-4438.

Celebrate Recovery is a proven program in over 25,000 churches around the world; it combines 12-steps and the transformative love

of Jesus Christ to address and eliminate the hurts of alcoholism; substance abuse; depression; anxiety; anger management; sexual, emotional,

or physical trauma; pornography addictions; eating disorders and other pains we have been enslaved to for years and decades.